Ramadan 1445 - 2024

Sponsor Ramadan Iftars

Every year we offer free daily iftar for single and new muslims, however we still encourage all community members to attend.

1) Community Iftars this year are on Fridays and Saturdays every Ramadan week for up to 150 persons ($3,000 a night). In addition, we are planning a Ramadan Open House for non-Muslims to experience Iftar and a Ramadan night,  

2) Iftar cost is on average $20 per person (including food, supplies, and cleaning). You can sponsor any number of Iftars including a full night for $3000 for 150 people.

3) Imams Ramadan expenses are projected to be in the range of $18-20K. You can sponsor one Ramadan night for $650.

Total Iftar cost this Ramadan is projected at $27K, and Imams expenses are around $20K thus far we raised $0.

* If we are short on Iftar sponsorships we will cover the balance from Operations Fund and if we have excess it will be used for other Ramadan expenses and general operations

Sponsor an iftar

Ramadan Iftar Guidelines / Etiquette

Reserve your Iftar meal, here. Future dates will be published as soon as possible, please come back to make additional reservations. Read the guidelines above, choose the day, click Reserve Iftar button.

One meal (meat or veggie) limit per one person please.

Reservations will stay open today Monday until we run out of tickets and from Tuesday 4/5/2022 RESERVATIONS CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT THE DAY BEFORE.

Please watch for additional days posted soon. You can reserve as many days in advance as many days are shown.


Yaseen Belmont Masjid

621 Masonic Way, Belmont, CA

Yaseen Burlingame Center

1722 Gilbreth Rd, Burlingame, CA

Yaseen Foundation is registered in the State of California with 501(3)c Federal Tax Exemption status and EIN 91-2020277
Copyright © 2020 Yaseen Foundation. All Rights Reserved.